Friday, February 6, 2009

PJ Twist

Inspired by DR's PJ post, I decided to create one on my own! HEEHEEHEE..

Checked PJ with no twist.

Add a skirt, ditch the pants.

& a belt?

PJ Twist Pt.2

Thats another PJ. It's a different night alright : )

Add denim shorts



theliciousgum said...

i love ur original pj ideas!
and as for the blue vest, i found it when i was digging around in my mums closet :)

i have a yellow one. but nay. it's much too... yellow... hehe


Mama Mima said...

hi wina, thx for the nice comment.

Unknown said...

Nice work! Especially on the top outfit. I'd be happy to wear that in public any day!

Freddy Style said...


petrushkabiel said...

Halo, thx yah udh mampir di blog gw
wah, keren idenya pake piyama...bagus, sama sekali ga keliatan klo itu baju tidur...Good job ;)

gw juga suka kata2 lo di perkenalan, really nice sentences

blog-nya jg link jg yah
tq ^,^

Anonymous said...

super cute!! <3

petrushkabiel said...

Thanks yah ;)
Iya itu tulisannya I love Nature ;p
tq tq tq

muchlove said...

oooh, very cute! I love the first one the most.

and yes, I'm loving the batik craze too! Actually the batik dress I'm wearing in that picture was originally a "daster" which I had cut shorter, hehehe...

febrina utami putri said...

haha you're very creative. yg plaid bgs dh, ga kyk pj ,haha

Ms. Match said...

Great idea! Never thogh pajamas cod look chic. Btw salam kenal ya! Boleh tukeran link? Mine is

issye margaretha kamal said...

wow you're creative . and your pj's is so cute:)

*hope we can be friend