Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nothing to Do With Fashion at All

I had fun with my new camera!

PS excuse me for wearing my PJ/home wears in most of the pics. nothing to do with fashion at all :P


Fika said...

hwaaa..setelah sekian lama akhirnya diupdate lagi niy blog..hehe
seruu iih foto sambil loncat2an gtuu..hihi

o iaa,,yg scarf itu aslinya warna sand, tp ama sabila (aku swap gift ama dia) di bleach gtu..jd warnanya begitu deeh..hehehe

INBERT StreetStyle said...

heeyy winaa... nice picture win... How are you?? Long time no great,rite??hehheee... By th way thanks for your comment in my blog...


petrushkabiel said...

great pictures, seru!!!! aku jg seneng bgt foto bergaya loncat, lbh dinamis gt kesannya...

good job ;)

mmm...kira2 wrnnya wina apa yah? :D

Anonymous said...

you love to jum huh? haha

Astrid Emia Ginting said...

hello ;) I'm really sorry to bother you, but I change my url and blog name hehe do you mind to change my name&url in your list? thank youuuu. I used to name my blog circus. x

Risya! said...

Hey Wina!
hahahaaa such fun pictures. love your energy, hun^^
