No matter how hot your body is, how perfect your hair is, how lovely your bag is, it doesn't make it right to be walking with those clinging on to your lower body. The pants (shudder). The belt (mini vomit). What were you thinking???
Acid washed jeans can be cool, but there are certain boundaries that you can't push. One of them is this. And the belt..Oh the belt! The color! The material! Were you channeling your inner 1960's fashionista? I gotta feeling (pun intended), that one day you're gonna look back at the picture and share my 2 cents. Till that day, enjoy those, Chica!
I just had to flash this one more time. Ugh

I'm loving how she paired that color belt with those jeans. It just pops!
oh itu pake efek 'agfa high' dari photoscape :)) thanks for your comment on my blog !
errhh I definitely do not like the acid wash jeans!
it looks 'too much' *:(
I like acid jeans if it's light blue or gray color... if the blue is dark, it's a no-no to me. ahahaha
hahaha..kamu lucu skali siih agak aneh sih memang gayanya fergie di foto itu..haha
ayoo donk win, update your blog again..don't forget to check on my blog,you'll see something different there ;)..hahaha
nice blog..
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loves the acid wash jeans!
I think this my first time visiting ur blog
nice to find it :D
oh this is a fabulous look.
really love her washed jeans :) too stunning!!
really nice blog here
ayo dong update blog lagi :)
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I'm not really like acid
since I made it
the I failed
udah lama banget tidak maen ke mari
nice to find ur blog lagi,,,,
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