Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wanted: This Stylish Girl's Blog Address

OK so recently I was browsing through a folder in My Pictures that I lovingly call "Fashion Inspirations". These are just a bunch of outfit pictures that I got off the Web that I love.

When I saw these 2 pictures, I was trying to remember where I got them from, and I couldn't find a clue. I simply love this chick's style and wonder if any of you possibly know her blog URL, cos that's where I got the pictures from (stoopid me for not saving her blog address).

Umm..Looks familiar to you? Saw the pictures somewhere? Do tell me! Thanks lots guys : )

PS: to the girl whose images are posted here, hope you don't mind. If you do, I'll remove them rite away.

LATEST UPDATE: Yayyy all thanks to the awesomest Diana, I found the girl's URL! Her name is Terry *Hiii* You both are my inspirations : )


The Sydney Girl said...

hope you find her!!! x

ONiC said...

i agree! shes stylish without even need to try too much :D

ONiC said...


Vorega Badalamenti Hartoto Hardikusumo said...

vest nya bagussss!! =)

badan mu langsing sekali nampaknya.. (ngiri)
ud lama aku ga ngeblog... kunjungi blog aku ya.. ada yang aku jual2in..=)
thank youuuu

Velo said...

haha makluminlah si vorega haha.. tampaknya dia error.. hehe...
iya style tuh blogger simpel tp cool =)
moga2an cepet ketemu yaaa... =3

Iulia Romana said...

Really nice blog and I love your outfit and style :>

Keep up the good work !

Diana Rikasari said...

if i'm not mistaken the girl in the 2nd pic is Summer from "To Spend Time"...

Diana Rikasari said...

whoops..just checked her blog and her name turns out to be Terry ;p

Diana Rikasari said...

yup...proof that i got the right girl:


Terry said...

Aww! Yes, both of them are me (: That's SO sweet of you! I was actually convinced no one read my blog, lol. Thank youuu! That made my day (:

Terry said...

By the way, my name was actually 'Sunset'... it was just an alias that I used to use, to keep my identity secret. Afterwards, I just stopped caring and used my real name, Terry. (:

Unknown said...

wina, berhubung tak menemukan alamat email dikau di blog ntar linknya di message di fb aja yaa ;D

Unknown said...

LOL. you've found her! :))))


Fika said...

woow..diana is awesome..she can help you find those stylish girl :)..

winaa,,pst lg nunggu SKS jrg nntn,nntn klo lg inget ajaa..abis bgn sahurnya aja ud jam stgh4an SKS emg lucuu..
y ud,,aq tdr dulu yaa..lumayan bo2' 2jam ;)..hoho

Nabila RH said...

yeeyy. you found the girl. happy for you =)

Feny said...

love your outfit =)

Vorega Badalamenti Hartoto Hardikusumo said...

hai win,, lagi2 uda lama ga buka blog.. =)

wah ud ketemu org nya

iya blazer nya untung uda laku walau ga detail =)

Cafe Fashionista said...

Love her style - very effortless and chic. I'm glad you found her! :)

INBERT StreetStyle said...

Hei winaaa... Udh lama gak bersua yah. Aku jarang bgt OL nih hehe...

karl's sweet child said...

thanks for your comment :)

brazillian footballers arent fine1 they are g g g g greeeeaaat!! heehee
well, i've removed my anderson blog, too ashamed about it and im afraid about going kookoo about anderson..;p

Ringa Dinga Boing Boing said...

haihai wiiiin....
pa kabaar?

wow..i see that u adore terry so much.

Ringa Dinga Boing Boing said...

haihai winaaaa...
apa kabaar?

wow..i see that u adore terry so much right?

mademoiselle indah said...

hi dear!
pls visit me at:


Becky Tjandera said...

yay you found her ! :D

Yulia Rahmawati said...

good that u finally found her
she has nice style and u as well^^

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