Saturday, May 30, 2009

Children are Like Kites

I stumbled upon this poem by Erma Bombeck which nearly brought tears to my eyes. It rings true to me.

Children and Kites

A slightly paraphrased version of the original poem by Erma Bombeck

Children are like kites.
You run with them until you are breathless.
They crash – you add a longer tail,
they hit the roof-top – you pluck them from spouts.
You patch and comfort, adjust and teach.
You watch them lifted by the wind
and assure them some day they’ll fly.
Finally they’re airborne
but they need more string
so you keep letting it out.
With each twist of the twine there’s
sadness and joy because the kite
becomes more distant and
you know it won’t be long before
it will snap the fine line
that has bound you together,
soar as it was meant to soar… independently free.

I promise to myself, I will not be the kite that soared free. I will always come back to the love that sheltered me from this cruel world, I will make sure that I love my parents as much as they have always loved me. If not more.

PS: Sorry for the lack of updates!! Exams here n I gotta study my lazy ass off hehee : )
Will be back as soon as exams finish! Ciao.


petrushkabiel said...

Aduh, puisinya bikin terharu banget...Iya ya, aku jg ga mau jd anak yang lupa sama orangtuanya, their love is timeless...Hiks jd sedih, hehehe...

Btw, thanks bgt loh, komen km bikin aku tambah semangat. Iya itu baju wedding-nya lucu2 banget...Kalo disuruh pilih satu jg bingung...Hahahahahaha

Annisa NF said...

beautiful poem :) thanks for sharing.

Dinda Puspitasari said...

heyyy wina aku mau tanya kalo mau bikin blog layout sendiri gimana? aku punya web layout (bikin pake flash) tapi ga ngerti gimana setting ke blogspotnya. thank youuu :)

Dinda Puspitasari said...

ooooh okay thanks btw ;)

Janice Nerissa said...

so true. and beautiful... we are like kites to our parents. thanks for sharing, wina.. I feel like hugging them rite now haha

Fenny Wong said...

heyy... it's Wong from Young Missy; I've recently changed my link (to: ) and the concept of my blog. Check it out and note me if you still want to exchange links :]

Anonymous said...

You've received an award on my blog!

Janice Nerissa said...

hey, wina! I've tagged you in my latest post..check it out! :)

Katya T. said...

Hi, Wina!!! Nice to meet you :D Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Sure, lets exchange links!
Love your blog too! Gonna read some more now ;)

Yulia Rahmawati said...

A big agree with u.........
km temennya janice???

Risya! said...

pasang behel tergantung say.
kalo yg bahannya stainless biasa sekitar 5-6jt.
kalo yg bahannya keramik sekitar 10jt.
kalo yg bahannya crystal sapphire sekitar 16jt.
aku sih makenya yg crystal sapphire supaya gx sariawan dan warnanya transparan gitu..

good luck yahh!.

Yulia Rahmawati said...


u'r absolutely rite

mari berkauand.........

Vorega Badalamenti Hartoto Hardikusumo said...

owww.. puisi yang indahh,,, =)
semangat ya buat ujian nyaa!!! pasti bisa. =)